Extra Virgin Olive Oil Joana de CardonaAceite de Oliva Extra Virgen Joana de Cardona

- Dhs. 267.75

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Brand: Migjorn

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Premium (early harvest). 100% Corbella Variety with high concentration of Oleocanthal.

A curious and interesting, especially for its sweetness and its aroma of red fruits, especially strawberry,.. almost an ice cream.

Ideal for seasoning greens and vegetables. Although it is not very astringent in the mouth, it's itching in the neck denotes a good polyphenol content.

A very balanced and fruity oil, with great gastronomic potential and enormous versatility. An ideal gift for lovers of EV Olive Oil.

The Corbella is variety with a Story. Appreciated for its high content of polyphenols, particularly the Oleocanthal.

Format: 700ml bottle and Canister.


Extra virgin olive oil from organic agriculture.

Acidity: 0.18%

Type: Organic, Premium (What does it mean?)

Marca: Migjorn

Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen Premium Variedad Corbella con alto contenido en Oleocanthal.

Un aceite muy equilibrado y afrutado, con un gran potencial gastronómico y una enorme versatilidad.

Destaca por su dulzor y por su aroma a frutos rojos, sobre todo a fresa, casi un helado. Ideal para aderezar verduras y hortalizas verdes. 

Un buen regalo para los amantes del Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen

Variedad:  Corbella 

La Corbella es una variedad con historia, muy valorada por su alto contenido en Polifenoles, especialmente el Oleocnthal.

 Formato: Botella 700ml y Canister.


Aceite de oliva extra virgen procedente de agricultura ecológica.

Acidez: 0.18%

Tipo: Ecológico, Premium (que significa?) 

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